Wichita Ear Clinic > May 2023 Splurge Magazine

Clear Hearing, Clear Connection – Cutting-Edge Care from Wichita Ear Clinic

Wichita Ear Clinic Cutting-Edge Care

Do you struggle to understand conversations at home? At dinner parties? The theater? Socializing with friends and family? Do you struggle to hear the TV?

Then you are probably experiencing hearing loss. Even mild hearing loss can affect your ability to communicate, understand, and enjoy time with family and friends. Having fun with your friends and family is required for a healthy mind and body! The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention and Intervention concluded that treating hearing loss is protective against dementia. Hearing and socialization is simply good for your health!

Hearing loss may occur anywhere along the hearing pathway, and can be treated medically, surgically or with hearing aids. Whether your loss is mild or profound, or in one ear or two, there is a solution.